Lampshades Bouquet

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Lampshades Bouquet

Lampshade Bouquet is a set of lights that dusts off the traditional lamps of our living rooms. The lamps in this light sculpture are offered in an oversized version, and are exiled outdoors to become a piece of street furniture in their own right, thanks to the bench that surrounds their base. At the end of 9 gracefully curved rods, diffusing white shades blossom, revealing the surprising magic of their colors at nightfall. Like the moving, colorful fragments of a kaleidoscope, the Bouquet lampshades come to life in an infinite combination of images, playing with alternating colors to reveal a modern, dreamlike universe.

Lampshades Bouquet

The kaleidoscope luminaire


10 items available - available by 5 or 10


Dynamic animation in colorful light sequences

Special features

A bench at its base provides seating for the public


7-metre high luminaire with intense colours

Lampshades Bouquet

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